There Is Such Thing As DIY Molten Lava and It's Awesome [Lava]:

You know what's always amazing? Lava. The power of that liquid molten burning is stunning and out of this world—when you see it, you feel like you're getting a peek of hell. You know what's even more amazing? That people are making their own molten lava.
The DIY lava is a project from Syracuse University and it's made from chunks of basaltic rock (what's on the seafloor) that are melted and poured out to produce lava. They use commercially available crushed basalt from Wisconsin that's 1.1 billion years old and load it into a gas-fueled, tilt furnace that's heated to 2192 degrees Fahrenheit for hours until it's soul scorching magma.

They've performed over a 100 lava flows since the start of the program and even roast marshmallows over the lava. Read about the whole lava project at
Earth magazine via
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